🖐️For New Players

1. What do I need to get started on Mollector?

To play the game and take part in the battles, players must collect at least 1 Hero Card. Players make a battle formation with 1 - 5 heroes and arrange heroes to complement each other, maximizing their powers and chances of winning.

If you are a Mollector Pioneer and gain access to early Demo via Discord, here are your steps to play:

  • Step 1: Access our demo link

  • Step 2: Click “Connect Wallet”

  • Step 3: Click “Login” to enter Mollector.

Our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/qV8Ypnbz

2. What is the difference between $MOL and $RADI tokens?

  • Molecule ($MOL): Governance token

  • Radiation ($RADI): In-game token

For more detail on the difference between these 2 tokens, please refer to Token Model here.

3. How can I earn $MOL and $RADI tokens?

Players can earn $MOL and $RADI tokens in several ways:

  • Play-to-Earn:

    • Winning the battles and getting the token & item rewards from PvP, PvE, Brawl, Tournament.

    • Participating in seasonal events, festivals

  • DeFi: Receiving $RADI upon staking $MOL and trading them on the Exchanges.

  • Marketplace:

    • Cards NFT and Items NFT which collected in-game are freely traded on the Marketplace

    • Customize your Hero Card with the artworks of your own design and make profit from them.

4. What in the game is NFT?

Heroes and Items will be minted NFTs. Besides, there are 2 kinds of NFT which Mollector players will become co-creators:

  • NFT Artwork purchasable via Market Place

  • Personalized NFT or self-minted NFT

5. How can I trade NFTs, $MOL and $RADI tokens?

  • You can trade (buy or sell) NFTs on the Marketplace and $MOL and $RADI tokens on Exchanges.

  • Marketplace’s link and list of Exchanges will be announced soon. Please follow our official social channel to get the latest news on this.

Last updated